“Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your
I was reading these words one
morning in Hebrews 3, leading up to that amazing chapter 4 where God describes
what it’s like to rest in him. I felt
like he was saying, “Enter my rest. Don’t let unbelief keep you on the other
side of the window, your face pressed against the glass, watching others enjoy
life, enjoy me and my presence. It is
your choice, not your fate, that keeps you there on the outside looking in.”
So, I listened, and here’s what I heard Daddy singing over
me this morning:
I’m not like your father.
I’m not like your father.
I will always see you.
Always hear you.
Always help you.
Always love you.
I am not like your father.
Listen. What is Daddy
singing over you?