Saturday, May 22, 2021

The Golden Secret

 Walking with Daddy thru the Psalms, Psalm 16:  The Golden Secret


“Keep me safe, O Mighty God.  I run for dear life to you, my safe place.”


The Mighty God, the Creator of the Universe is the one who keeps me safe. I don’t hesitate to run to him, even though he is the King of the Universe.  He is my safe place and he’s always ready to receive me, even when he’s sitting in the Court Room judging important matters.  He never turns me away.  He always has time for me.


“So I said to the Lord God, ‘You are my Maker, my Mediator and my Master.  Any good thing you find in me has come from you.”


If I’m kind, I learned it from you.  If I carry peace, it’s because I am safe in you and can offer security to others by bringing them into your safe place.  If I know the words to sustain the weary, it’s because you gave me an instructed tongue and taught me to listen with open ears to all you say. (Isaiah 50:4)


“And he said to me, ‘My holy lovers are wonderful, my majestic ones, my glorious ones, fulfilling all my desires.’”


Daddy, it’s all you, start to glorious finish. How is it that I can be part of fulfilling your desires?!? How can that be?  How incredible that my weak love fulfills you!  Your goodness is so overwhelming to call me wonderful, majestic and say that I am one who fulfills the longings of your heart.  Somehow when I hide myself in you, you end up blessed.  Incredible!


Sunday, May 9, 2021

Walking thru the Psalms with Daddy: Image Bearers, Psalm 8

 Image Bearers...

“Look at the splendor of your skies,
    your creative genius glowing in the heavens.
    When I gaze at your moon and your stars,
    mounted like jewels in their settings,
    I know you are the fascinating artist who fashioned it all!
    But I have to ask this question:
Why would you bother with puny, mortal man

    or care about human beings?
Yet what honor you have given to men,

    created only a little lower than Elohim,
    crowned with glory and magnificence.
You have delegated to them

    rulership over all you have made,
    with everything under their authority,
    placing earth itself under the feet of your image-bearers.” Psalm 8:3-6 TPT

But I have to ask this question.  When I look up and see such wonder and workmanship above, I have to ask:  Compared to all this cosmic glory, why do you bother with “puny, mortal man”?

I gaze at the stars, or watch the ocean breathe in and out, seemingly endless, stretching out beyond my sight and I think, “why me?”  Daddy, why am I in your thoughts and plans?  Crowned with honor like a queen or king.  

Why do you delegate authority to a bunch of fishermen, “placing earth itself under the feet of your image bearers?

Daddy, who is your image bearer?

It’s everyone I’ve created; even the deceived ones were made to carry my presence.  Biden.  Harris.  Soros. Each was made in my image, made for my glory, even though they may not be representing me well.

Jesus, you represent Daddy so well!  You are the exact representation of the Father.  Help me to take off what hides your image in me.  Take off fear, unbelief, hatred, deceit, unforgiveness, bitterness.  So others see Jesus.  If they can just taste who you are they will feel the tug of their hearts toward Charis, home, toward everything worth living for.

Daddy, help me to look like Jesus, talk like Jesus, smell, taste, see, feel like Jesus.  So that others will feel like they’ve been with you – hearts burning/yearning for you like the disciples felt when Jesus met them on the road to Emmaus after the resurrection (Luke 24:32) – when they spend time with me.