Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Love - He came running with a ring...

I John 4:16 “And so we know and rely on the love God has for us.”

We’ve all had “love” given and taken away from us. Leaving us wary of trusting anyone to truly love us.  So we hold a piece of ourselves back, keeping an exit strategy open for when this love fails us, again.

But Jesus says “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.” I John 4:18
So the world, and the Church, are full of people who are holding back, afraid to “put all their eggs in one basket”. What are we afraid of? That God will play “bait & switch” with his kids? He shows us in the Bible that everyone who came to Jesus received their healing, but I’m praying for Diane and Chris and Cindy and Grammie and Tia and Allen, and prayed much for my friend, Linda Kelly – but so far none are cancer free, except Linda who is with Jesus now.  Can I trust you to do what you said you would do?

What are we afraid of?  That God is like a game show host, giving us the option to choose door #1, door #2 or door #3, and one of them is a joke, one is a lesser choice, and one is what we actually need and want desperately – like it all depends on me – my choices – and if I choose wrong, then…

I met Jimmy in the summer of 1972.  Then I went back to college, and we got to know each other thru letters and phone calls, some face to face time over Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks.  I went away on a mission trip to France the summer of 1973, so we only had a few weeks together in NJ before and after my trip, and then I was back to college for my senior year.  I was an insecure young woman, wary in love – burned before – and never quite sure that Jimmy would be there for me.  The days when he called, or I received a letter of package were great.  But in between those days, I would doubt whether he really loved me. Then I came home for Christmas break, and Jimmy put a diamond engagement ring on my finger.  I went back to school changed.  Days between letters and phone calls were no longer a problem for me.  I would just gaze at the sparkling jewel -  on MY finger – and know that I was loved, that I belonged to someone. 

We got married in June of 1974.  I continued to grow in trust and love with Jimmy, although I challenged him from time to time.  My parents’ divorce, after 17 years of marriage, had marked me with fear.  One day as I wept in fear after a disagreement we’d had, Jimmy placed his hands on my shoulders and looking me in the eye said “I am not your father.  I’m not going anywhere.  I will always, always, always love you.” Since that time he has continued to remind me of that promise, signing his cards on birthdays and holidays, “love always, always, always, Jim”. 
Despite all of that, the clincher for me was when we passed our 17th year of marriage, and I audibly sighed “Whew! We made it!” I have learned over the years to rely on Jimmy’s love. And it’s a picture of the Father’s love for me.

Anytime either of us has something we might initially not want to share with the other, we push past that initial reaction and run to tell the secret.  “I was angry with you…”  “I know that I hurt you when I…”

So now I have learned to do this with the Father.  “Daddy, my friend, Linda Kelly has died!” And his arms open and beckon me to come and lean upon him and let his heart comfort me when I don’t understand.

“Daddy, Diane is not doing well, although I have prayed for her!” And he says “come here and let me hold you and remind you who I am.”

“Daddy, what if I choose the wrong door?”  And he says “Look at me! It’s me! Your biggest fan! If you ask me for bread, will I give you a rock?”

So everything I need to go on, even when, especially when I don’t understand, comes from knowing “I am loved by the Father! I am loved by the Father!”

“Abba, I belong to you.                                                                                                                         You came running down my prodigal road.                                                                                           You came running with a ring and a robe.    
Grace the collision on my way back home      
With the arms of a Father who won’t let go.” (Jonathan David HelserMelissa Helser)

The fruit of the Spirit is love, but you can’t give away what you don’t have.

1 John 4:19:  “We love because he first loved us.”

So come on, climb with me back up on his lap and get some. You’ll get so filled up there that you’ll leak the love like a golden stream of living water wherever you go.  It’s a fruit, a natural result, of being with Daddy, a fruit of his Spirit.

Are all my questions answered? 


Do kisses really heal boo boos? 

No, but the inner wounds are healed as I lean hard and heavy, with all my weight, “know and rely” on his love for me.  You can say you believe the chair will hold you, but until you sit in it, let all your weight rest in it, you aren’t truly relying on that chair.  God says, “It’s ok.  You can trust me with this one.  I will always, always, always love you.”

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