Sunday, January 9, 2022



Psalm 101: Celebrate God’s Goodness

“His wonders are so delightfully mysterious that they leave all who seek them astonished.” Ps. 101:2

Just read this about mystery in morning in Mornings and Evenings by Bill and Beni Johnson: 

“If our encounters with God don’t leave us with more questions than when we started, then we have had an inferior encounter. A relationship with God that does not stir up that realm of mysterious wonder is an inferior relationship.” (excerpt from January 9)

Sometimes mystery is frustrating, like with my friend who often leaves half of the conversation unspoken, but expects me to know what she’s talking about. How is your mystery different? How is it “delightfully mysterious”?

It’s an invitation to search for more. Some may choose to just stop searching. But that’s not why some things are hidden. The Pharisees just stopped with, “what is he talking about?” But my disciples asked me for the explanation. It’s the glory of God to hide, and the glory of kings to search it out.

“I have given you a gift called mystery. If used correctly this gift will draw you into the depths of me, into encounters with Heaven that surprise you, filling you with awe and wonder. Embrace it!” (Bill Johnson)

But mystery can feel unsafe to me. Like I felt one friend used the secrets I shared with her against me, so I stopped sharing them with her. And with most people. To this day. Sometimes I feel like no one really knows me. I only let them know what I choose to open up about. How’s that for mystery?

But that’s not what I do. My mystery is an invitation: Come deeper!

Proverbs 25:2 “God conceals the revelation of his word in the hiding place of his glory. But the honor of kings is revealed by how thoroughly they search out the deeper meanings of all that God says.”

You bid me walk upon the waters – there I find you in the mystery. (Oceans song) Rest in your embrace, in the mystery, in oceans deep, where feet may fail.

There’s no tension of the unknown expressed in this Psalm. Why? Because “his unforgettable works of surpassing wonder reveal his grace and tender mercy”. Ps.111:6. Oh, it’s you – I recognize you now behind the mystery!

And then, “He satisfies all who love and trust him, and he keeps every promise he makes.” Ps. 111:5

As you told Much Afraid (Hinds Feet on High Places), when you reach the High Places you will love and be loved in return. So it’s safe to abandon myself to you, embrace the mystery, put all my eggs in one basket. For you will keep every promise you’ve ever made to me.

So many things are transient, unreliable. Marriages of 12, 15, 17 years tossed away on a whim. Broken promises explained away as if the explanation makes any sense. “I love you – I’m just not in love with you anymore” – what does that mean anyway?

But not with me. I love you with an everlasting love. See, not a ring on my finger – look, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands. I purchased you – you are mine. I’m not like your father. Broken men break their kids. But I’m bigger, better than that. I’m safe, even in the mystery.

Yes, as I sang over you in Israel, come and play with me. Come seek me out, step out when you can’t see the ground. Jump when you can’t see the bottom. I satisfy all who love and trust me. Those who look to me are radiant; they will never be put to shame.

Rainbow: “He keeps every promise he makes.” Ps. 111:5

Ps. 111:9 Your “forever love” paid the full ransom for your kids.

Saturday, January 8, 2022



Psalm 87, Fountains of Joy (The Passion Translation)

High upon his hills of holiness stands God’s city.

How God loves the gates of Zion, his favorite place on earth.

So many glorious things have been proclaimed over Zion, God’s holy city!

For the Lord says, “Here are the nations who will acknowledge me as God:

Egypt, Iraq, Palestine, and the Mediterranean people, even distant Ethiopia.

They will all boast, ‘I was born in Zion!’”

But over Zion it will be said, “The mighty Man was born there and he will establish it.”

For the God Most High will truly bless Jerusalem.

And when he counts her citizens, recording them in his registry,

he will write by their name: “This one was born again here!”

And the princes of God’s feasts will sing and dance, singing “Every fountain of

delight springs up from your life within me!”

This one was born in Zion!

I finally found where I belong, my identity, when I met you. For you are Zion.

And the first time I stepped onto the ground in Israel, it was like the Zion in me came home to the Zion where you walked!

Where you are, that is Zion. And I just want to be where you are. I just want to be near your heart.

Legislating from the Throne Room


Psalm 91 in The Passion Translation is entitled “Safe and Secure”.

Daddy, I love this Psalm. I love praying it over my kids, my friends, myself. But Daddy, so many things seem unsafe right now. Close friends, family members with covid. A deceived government leader passing ungodly legislation promoting abortion and socialism. Friends leaving the church, moving away, or not.

But you say “When you sit enthroned under the shadow of Shaddai, you are hidden in the strength of God Most High.”

How am I enthroned? Are you telling me that I am exalted, on a throne, in your shadow?

Why would I be on a throne?

“You are ruling with me, looking to me for your every decision, interceding as my heart directs, legislating from the Throne Room. I trust you to legislate in my shadow.”