Saturday, January 8, 2022



Psalm 87, Fountains of Joy (The Passion Translation)

High upon his hills of holiness stands God’s city.

How God loves the gates of Zion, his favorite place on earth.

So many glorious things have been proclaimed over Zion, God’s holy city!

For the Lord says, “Here are the nations who will acknowledge me as God:

Egypt, Iraq, Palestine, and the Mediterranean people, even distant Ethiopia.

They will all boast, ‘I was born in Zion!’”

But over Zion it will be said, “The mighty Man was born there and he will establish it.”

For the God Most High will truly bless Jerusalem.

And when he counts her citizens, recording them in his registry,

he will write by their name: “This one was born again here!”

And the princes of God’s feasts will sing and dance, singing “Every fountain of

delight springs up from your life within me!”

This one was born in Zion!

I finally found where I belong, my identity, when I met you. For you are Zion.

And the first time I stepped onto the ground in Israel, it was like the Zion in me came home to the Zion where you walked!

Where you are, that is Zion. And I just want to be where you are. I just want to be near your heart.

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