Tuesday, January 27, 2015

I Am Loved.

I had a quarrel recently with my best friend – OK, it was my husband, Jimmy.  We do life together, so we had to continue to interact with each other every day even with the unresolved conflict between us. And it wasn’t fun.  It was hard.  I found myself close to tears many times, but did not have the time or opportunity to allow myself a good cry.

I heard God say to me, “Have this mind in you…”, reminding me of the words in Philippians.  All I wanted to do was withdraw myself emotionally from my friend, insulate myself from the pain.  But God was instructing me otherwise.  Ok, God, I’ll try.

And I did try to continue in our relationship in this humble position, but it was hard.
Yesterday we talked out our issue, said our “sorrys”, and got back on the same page again, and suddenly love became effortless again.

Matthew 11:28-38.  “Come to me.  Get away with me and you’ll recover your life.  I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me – watch how I do it.  Learn the unforced rhythms of grace…”

It’s so much easier to serve, to work side by side someone when you know in your heart you are loved.  It’s like being the birthday girl at a party and opening gifts from the ones who love and celebrate me.  No trying, just resting in the obvious adoration of my grandchildren, bringing me hand-made cards and wet kisses. I am loved and glowing with the knowledge of it.

I think that’s why every bride is so beautiful, even if she’s not the prettiest one in a crowd.  You see in her face, her countenance, her movements, the awareness “I am loved! Of all the women in the world, this man picked me to spend his life with.  He chose me!”

God uses the marriage relationship as a picture of the intimacy he desires to have with us.  So he wants me to feel every day like I did the day after my quarrel with my best friend was resolved.  Look in the mirror and see the face of one much loved, and rest in the giddy realization that I, Taffy Spaloss, am loved by the Father, chosen to be his own bride.

So I know and rely on the love God has for me.  1 John 4:16.

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