Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The Harp

I am at times an unwilling harp.
Don’t touch my strings!
I know I’m out of tune,
Strings worn, broken or missing,
Singing my song of pain.

Then I hear the first few notes of your heart,
Your harp’s plaintive chords,
Touching places in me
I didn’t know were there.
Tears spring up unannounced.
I listen.

The words of your song
Finally penetrate my mind.
I hear my name,
Sung from a heart of love.

Your song written for me.
I weep.

I open my heart,
Offer my harp to you,
The Master tuner, lover.
You tighten, you loosen,
You remove and replace,
And you play.

Is that me? Can it be?
That this harp could make
Such beautiful melody?
Valued, nurtured by love,
This harp sings again.
Our song.

What’s that? Play your harp?
What? You would allow me
To pluck the heartstrings of
Elohim, God Most High?
“My heart is laid bare before you.
Play, Beloved.!”

I am my Beloved’s.  He is mine.
He plays the strings of my heart,
Sings my song,
And invites me
To play his harp over others.

The Melody of Intercession.

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