Thursday, November 26, 2015

HUG is for the Hug U God: my extremely non-theological thoughts on the Holy Spirit!

We have been learning in Bethel Sozo Training that people usually relate to Father God like they do their earthly fathers, to Jesus as they do their siblings and/or peers, and they view the Holy Spirit the way they do their mothers.

Growing up in my family with four siblings and an absentee dad, my warmest memories are of my soft, gentle mom.  I grew up under the wings of her unconditional love.  Even so, I find myself talking rarely to the Holy Spirit when I pray.  Most often, it’s Daddy.  So I've been asking God to teach me about the Holy Spirit since I am obviously lacking.

Karen Johnson asked us last week in Destiny Healing Rooms training class, “what is the Holy Spirit?”  When I think of “spirit” I think of a presence.  So God’s presence is the Holy Spirit.  Can you talk to a presence?  But Karen taught us that the Holy Spirit is a person.  Ah, that puts it more clearly now – I can talk to and with a person.

So, if the Holy Spirit is that motherly, warm and nurturing part of who God is, then I think he (or she?) is the Hug of God.  

Holy Spirit is the one you smell when you enter the House of Prayer and look around for candles burning where there are none, because the fragrance is so thick and warm. 

Holy Spirit is the joy that bubbles up on the inside and makes you laugh like Sue Colucci, or cry and smile at the same time.

Holy Spirit give you that “I’m home” feeling as you come through the side doors into the church after a rough day at work. 

Like my mom, Holy Spirit knows the secret longings of my heart, and he sends treasures my way just when I need them in the forms of gifts, hugs, words and people – just what and when I needed.  Holy Spirit tells me I am known, and loved.  He wraps himself around me like a handmade quilt (He is, after all, the Comforter!), and I breathe him in and relax in the safe refuge of his caress.

Then, after receiving healing and comfort from my wounds and disappointments, I get to pass on that Hug of God to you!

He’s the Hug U God.  He’s the Holy Spirit.

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