Saturday, March 21, 2020

Raising up an Army of Intercessors, by guest blogger, James P. Spaloss, Jr.

Today I am delighted to share with you a piece from my husband, Jim Spaloss, taken from his prayer journal.  Enjoy, and accept Jim's invitation to be part of the heroes fighting the pandemic.

"This is an excerpt from my prayer journal shortly before the 2016 presidential elections.  Reading back through my journal today I saw this entry and felt that it is very pertinent to the coronavirus pandemic situation we are navigating in the USA, and around the world:

The enemy seems to be using many strategies to attack our country at this time.  Foolish leaders, lust for materialism, greed, and preoccupation with just having a good time.  The rejection of God and the church.  The desire of hostile Islamic groups to import their ugly vision of life here.

It makes me think of our country when they were trying to stay out of war in 1941.

Our fleet had been decimated after Pearl Harbor.   Our army was a joke. And we were drawn into a war that we tried to avoid.  We went from being a peaceful, non-involved nation to being the supplier of the world and the major factor of WWII.

I have learned that behind the scenes during that time of war there was an army of intercessors praying for our nation.  It must have looked impossible to fight a war on two fronts with no great standing Army, Navy or Airforce, not knowing if the Japanese troops were going to attack the west coast at any given time.  

We can brag about the American spirit and the courageous men and women who rose to the occasion to fight the war.  But behind the scenes was another battle, a spiritual battle for our nation.  I believe those who fought this spiritual battle were also heroes who turned the tide of what happened in the physical world.  

I believe those prayers led to the secret code of the Germans falling into Allied hands.  And Hitler making some stupid decisions. How about the battle of Midway, the turning point of the war with Japan, somewhat of a freak victory.  The Japanese had completed an air raid, returned, and were on the decks of their aircraft carriers to refuel and reload.  American planes caught them before any of the planes could take off, and sunk 3 of the Japanese aircraft carriers.  These events and many others turned the tide of the war.

It is time for us to raise up intercessors for our nation again, to be part of that army that fights the spiritual battle.  Pray for Hope over America!"

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