Saturday, March 21, 2020

Spending the Day with Jesus

I’ve been working on a teaching I intend to share at Women of Hope, after the social distancing for the coronavirus is lifted.  I call it “Journaling thru the Scriptures with God”.

So I decided to start with the Gospel of John.  John is the disciple who described himself as “the disciple whom Jesus loved”.  He was pictured several times in the Book of John leaning on Jesus’ chest as he sat with his friends.  I can’t blame John – If I was there I would be right there laying my head over Jesus’ heart, head to head with John! 

The way I do this “journaling with God” is that I read a few verses, or maybe even just one verse, until something jumps off the page to me or catches my attention.  Then I write about what I am thinking, and ask God some questions, and write what I feel he is saying in response.

Today I started, and ended with John 1: 39.  I had read the passage in John 1:35-39 yesterday about how two of John the Baptist’s disciples left John the Baptist, at his direction, when they met Jesus along the way.  They left following John to follow Jesus.

John 1:39 “…and since it was late in the afternoon, they spent the rest of the day with Jesus.”

It was late morning as I read, and I wrote this to Jesus:

“Jesus, it’s late morning.  Can I spend the rest of the day with you?”

Two scriptures immediately came to mind: “I have no greater joy than to see my children walking in the truth.” 1 John 3:14.

And:  “I have eagerly desired to share this (Passover) meal with you.” Luke 22:15.

So Jesus takes great joy in seeing me walk in the truth.  Think of it, I spend time with Jesus, and he thinks he’s getting the best end of the deal!  It’s as if spending time with me is something special to God.

And he emphasizes how much he enjoys my company by telling me how each and every time I take communion, the bread and the cup, in remembrance of how Jesus died and rose again for me, that each time he eagerly desires the encounter with me!

It’s like how I feel when I get to spend the day with Richard and Darlene Tittle.  Just to be in the same room, to share hearts, to spend time with Jesus in prayer together, to hash out problems, laugh and cry and just do life with people I cherish.  That’s how Jesus feels about spending time with me.

When I get to heaven, there will be a clamoring from my family and loved ones to see me again, to welcome me home, to “hug the stuffing out of me”, as my friend, Carolyn like to say.  But they will all step aside to allow me to run into the arms of Jesus, face to face, cheek to cheek.  To physically climb onto Daddy’s lap, to see his face, to reach up and touch his beautiful face, to look into his love-filled eyes. 

And I’ll say, “Daddy, can I spend the rest of the day with you?” And he’ll smile and nod.

“The rest of the day, and the rest of my life!”

1 comment:

  1. I've been doing this very thing for many years now! I get so much out of it. It's like Jesus is sitting right there next to me on the couch and is using his finger to point things out. It is truly a wonderful way to be be intimate with him.
