Saturday, April 10, 2021

Walking thru the Psalms with Daddy.... Psalm 139


Psalm 139.

“Lord, you know everything there is to know about me.”

Last night Jimmy and I watched Season 2, Episode 1 of The Chosen, a wonderful ongoing series about Jesus.  One of the scenes in this episode featured a Samaritan man and his family, and how Jesus healed his broken leg.  After his healing, the man confessed to Jesus that he was the one who robbed and left for dead the man in the Good Samaritan story.  The man said to Jesus, “Why me?  If you only knew what I’ve done!”

Jesus’ eyes said it all. “I know exactly what you’ve done and I love you still with all of my heart!”

Psalm 139:24  “See if there is any path of pain I’m walking on, and lead me back to your glorious, everlasting ways – the path that brings me back to you.”

Daddy, what is a “path of pain”?

Grieving Chris and Melody is a path of pain for me.  But I didn’t cause it, or choose to walk on it, did I?

Commentators suggest that the path of pain in Psalm 139: 24 is a path that causes pain to God, anything that offends his heart.  Like choosing to live under the “Great Sadness” like Mac, the main character of William Young’s novel.

“The house you build out of your own pain”.  That’s how Young explained the reason for his book’s title.  It’s “a metaphor for the places you get stuck, get hurt, get damaged.  Where shame or hurt is centered.”

But how can a path offend Daddy, Jesus, Holy Spirit?

If it leads me away from you.

If it’s foundation is based on lies.

If Jesus isn’t walking there with me.

Jesus won’t go there if it’s lies.  Instead, like personified Wisdom in the book of Proverbs, he comes and call to me from the better path and invites me to follow him there.

I can’t go with you to the “land of what ifs”, he says.  That is a lie – it doesn’t exist except in your thoughts when they’re based on lies.  Come walk with me on the water – seems impossible, right?  But not when I’m holding your hand.



“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who replace darkness with light and light with darkness, who replace bitter with sweet and sweet with bitter.” Isaiah 5:20

I think of legislation allowing murder of the unborn.


Marriage redefined.

Drag queen story hour.

How it was ok to malign the President of the US daily on a popular talk show.

Daddy, what do you mean when you say “Woe” to those deceived people?

One day their eyes will be open, and they will realize they are blind and be appalled at what they did, or allowed to be done.

Then you and my Church will need to be there to give them hope, clean garments to replace their hole-filled, blood spattered clothes. The water of the Word to wash their hearts and restore them to relationship with Father God.  It is my job, says Holy Spirit, to open their eyes, and once they see I pass them to Jesus for cleansing in his blood, and then you go take them by the hand and lead them to Daddy.

You can’t do it if you hate anybody.  Let love do its perfect work first in you.

1 Corinthians 12:30:  “And now I will show you a superior way to live that is beyond comparison.”

The love chapter, 1 Corinthians 13:  If I don’t express myself with love, my words are reduced to the hollow sound of nothing.

If I prophesy with great accuracy, foretell the future, reveal hidden secrets, but have never learned to love, then I am nothing.

“Love is large and incredibly patient.  Love is gentle and consistently kind to all.  It refuses to be jealous when blessing comes to someone else…
“Love is a safe place of shelter for it never stops believing the best for others.”

Daddy, how do I love that way?

How do I love my kids that way?

How do I love my city that way?  My nation?

“Woe!” is that cry of agony from the heart of the Father as he sees people not getting it, calling good evil and evil good.  The cry of Jesus as he wept over Jerusalem.  The tears of the prodigal’s Dad as he watched daily for his son to return.  It’s not a cry for judgment or revenge or punishment, but the cry of a grieving Daddy.

Daddy, “break my heart for what breaks yours, everything I am for your Kingdom’s cause.  Show me how to love like you have loved me.”

Help me to love with open arms like you do, a love that erases all the lies and sees the truth…